It's quarter after 11pm..and i am still fresh..UuUuU..i was totally exhausted all day long..spending my time with little thet..and guess what??He is so active nowadays..i couldn't fight,i couldn't tahan whenever he pinched me up..he asked me to play along with him sama2 ngan his very own 'ULTRAMAN'..all i did was,i just ikut ja apa dia punya suka..i just follow wherever he will bring me to and whatever he want me to do..everytime i look at him,suatu perasaan yang sangat senang wujud jauh di sudut hati ini..
He never think about giving up..jatuh macammna sekalipun,dia tetap akan bangun and do the things he want once again..that's him..macammna sakit sekalipun,he'll cry for a second and then after a while..dia akan tertawa semula..lupa apa yang berlaku..(alangkah bagusnya...!)
i've learned so many things from him walau dalam hanya beberapa hari bersama dengannya..he teached me about life and its surrounding..about everything..tentang perkaitan setiap perkara dan kejadian yang berlaku..tho he never ever teach me manually..but spending time with him making me fikir dalam tentang hidup ini..thanks little thet..!
he'll be back to KL soon..he'll go with bianca and his mummy and daddy..i'll be missing them all..my pray will always be with them..ALWAYS!
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