--WhOoOoAa..another great day!hehhe..
Last week(few days ago)i went To Centre point alone..all by myself..i was looking for some stuff..but didn't find it..my listed was burned just like that and i was enjoying myself on window shopping as well..
Naaa..The best part of my life on that day was..having such a great lunch at 'SECRET RECIPE'..i ordered GriLL blackpepper Chicken,Ice blended Cappucino and blueberry cake as a desert,so yummy!..Hmmm..i wish to be there with 'SoMeOnE'..
~Time Goes By...
~It's been a while since that..Everyone were asking me WHY??..only
me,myself and i know exactly what this is all about..i'd rather keep my
mouth shut all t...
14 tahun yang lalu
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